Leafless Vanilla Orchid


Vanilla barbellata

Growth Habits Scrambling, Random

Growth Difficulty Easy (given the proper sunlight)

Growth Period – All year


Can grow up to 100 feet long

3-5 inch blooms

Leafless plant

Large Sized

Fun Facts

Will produce edible vanilla bean

One of Four vanilla species in Florida


Right Plant, Right Host, Right Conditions

At The Kampong, there are standards on how to properly care for and grow your orchids in South Florida. This Step-by-Step guide will teach you how to ensure your orchid is happy and healthy within your home.

Right Plant

Growing Season meets Owner Expectations

Must Haves: Velcro Tape, Green tie Tape

Growing Tips – Attach at 12″ intervals starting at base of stem and secure top end at planning time

Right Host

Prefers rough bark trees such as: Oak, Mango, Mahogany, & Avocado

Less optimal with smooth bark or surface areas such as: Ficus & Gumbo Limbo

Recommended 18-24 inch cutting, with basal end covered in soil or mulch

Right Conditions

Prefers strong sunlight, up to all-day in the sun

Less optimal with deep shade & dry mount surface

Daily watering of entire vine when in active growth

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