Click on any heading above to view more information about this plant
Conservation Status
- IUCN: not evaluated
- USFWS: Endangered
Genus: Ischaemum
Species: byrone
Species Author: (Trin.) Hitchc.
Vernacular: Aupaka
Synonyms: Andropogon byronis, Ischaemum lutescens, Spodiopogon byronis
We currently have 31 herbarium specimens for Ischaemum byrone in our collection. Click on any specimen below to view the herbarium sheet data.
- 035305 - collected by Abbe Faurie in 1909
- 035306 - collected by Otto Degener in 1930
- 053608 - collected by Art Whistler in 1985
- 053609 - collected by Art Whistler in 1986
- 053611 - collected by Art Whistler in 1986
- 053610 - collected by Art Whistler in 1986
- 017698 - collected by Tim Flynn in 1987
- 017699 - collected by Tim Flynn in 1987
- 001927 - collected by Tim Flynn in 1989
- 037048 - collected by F. R. Fosberg in 1991
- 060644 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1991
- 040012 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1993
- 029699 - collected by Steve Perlman in 1993
- 018713 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1994
- 021051 - collected by David H. Lorence in 1995
- 046514 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1996
- 052877 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1996
- 037127 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1996
- 087482 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1998
- 087993 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1998
- 086809 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1998
- 030078 - collected by K. R. Wood in 1999
- 048176 - collected by K. R. Wood in 2005
- 053245 - collected by K. R. Wood in 2008
- 065313 - collected by Steve Perlman in 2012
- 094314 - collected by Hank Oppenheimer in 2012
- 070472 - collected by Hank Oppenheimer in 2012
- 066946 - collected by Hank Oppenheimer in 2013
- 084688 - collected by Seana Walsh in 2015
- 074849 - collected by Hank Oppenheimer in 2016
- 074237 - collected by Seana Walsh in 2016