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Conservation Status
IUCN: endangered
Family: ARECACEAE Genus: Latania Species: lontaroides Species Author: (Gaertn.) H. E. Moore Vernacular: Red latan
Red Latan Palms have stiff fan shaped leaves, giving them a unique appearance, and they make excellent pot plants when young. They are easy and satisfying to grow, not fussy and will flourish in a wide range of frost-free, warmer climates. The three species of Latania are easily distinguishable especially when young by the colour of the leafstalks for which they are named: red, blue, and yellow. Latania lontaroides has spectacular reddish leaves and red leafstalks when young.
Red Latan Palm is native to Mascarene Island of Reunion.
The Red Latan Palm is an endangered species with only a few surviving individuals on Reunion Island.
We currently have 2 herbarium specimens for Latania lontaroides in our collection. Click on any specimen below to view the herbarium sheet data.