Purple Flower Jacaranda is a deciduous or evergreen shrub or small tree, 8 to 24 feet tall (2.4-8 m) with fine-textured, fern-like pinnate leaves.
From April to June (depending on species an location) the tree covers itself with showy trumpet shaped flowers that are about 1.5 inches wide and are arranged in panicles (pyramid shaped clusters) that grow at the tips of branches.
(FLoridata Plant Encyclopedia. 2004.)
The spectacular Jacaranda is enjoyed as an ornamental in many near frostless areas all over the world. The fact that the tree stays in bloom for more that 8 weeks makes it even more desirable.
(FLoridata Plant Encyclopedia. 2004.)
(Information for this species compiled and recorded by Camelia Cirnaru, NTBG Consultant.)
Purple Flower Jacaranda is native to the Amazon River Basin country of Brazil, where it is naturally found in the high and dry deserts.
(FLoridata Plant Encyclopedia. 2004.)
The Jacaranda tree puts on a breathtaking floral display. Its vivid lilac-blue clusters of trumpet shaped blossoms appear in the summer, later falling to the earth carpeting the ground with a mass of color.
It is said that if you are walking underneath the Jacaranda tree and one of the trumpet blossoms falls on your head you will be favored by fortune.