For some individuals, gifts of stock may be the preferable, and many times the most advantageous, method to contribute to the vital work being done by the Garden.
NTBG accepts and appreciates gifts of unrestricted publicly traded stock. Stock will be sold shortly after delivery into our brokerage account. The recorded value of your gift is determined by the average of the high and low prices on the day the stock is received in our account. We will acknowledge your gift in writing, noting the number of shares, type of stock, and the date received.
Denise Kelekoma
National Tropical Botanical Garden
3530 Papalina Road
Kalaheo, HI 96741
(808) 332-7324, ext. 212
(808) 332-9765 (fax)
Stock transfer transactions are normally accomplished electronically from your broker to NTBG’s and often does not include all of the information needed to record your gift properly. When your broker executes the transfer, we ask that you or your broker advise us accordingly, either by email, fax, or phone, and provide the following information:
Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.