The Mt. Haupu Native Habitat Management Project launched in August and began with a cultural ceremony at the base of the Kauai peak. This project aims to improve and maintain native habitat for rare species including Polyscias bisattenuata, Kadua fluviatilis, Schiedea perlmanii, Myrsine linearfolia, and Isodendrion longifolium.
This project is a collaboration with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and will focus on improving habitat for rare species at the Haupu summit. “In this first phase of the project, we are surveying for additional populations of rare plants and weeding around known populations. said NTBG Curator of Living Collections, Mike De Motta. “We will also work on eradicating invasive woody species in the area,” he continued.
While there are many rare and endangered native plant species that call the summit of Haupu peak home, the project also aims to protect native insects endemic to the peak including one of the world’s largest species of tree cricket. NTBG staff and conservation partners will monitor the rare plants and make collections of propagules for future restoration and possible outplanting in phase II.