Rain Barrel Water Conservation Workshop with UF/IFAS

Saturday, February 17, 2024 | 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Learn how harvesting rainwater when it is abundant can help reduce pollution from stormwater runoff and provide a supply of free, non-chlorinated, water for your garden, prize orchids, and potted plants to use during the dry season. After viewing the educational presentation component, attendees are qualified to purchase a low-cost rain barrel to install in their own landscape. With the rollout of Miami-Dade County’s new Rain Barrel Rebate Program, participants have the option to purchase a refurbished rain barrel following the program at $100 + tax, and receive a rebate for $50 from the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department after applying through the WASD website!’ Rain Barrels and Workshops (miamidade.gov)

Rates are $2 off regular admission to the garden for non-members (please call for a reservation to receive a discount). No cost for NTBG Members.

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