Hawaiʻi Rare Plant Genetics Workshop

Integrating field and molecular approaches to advance plant conservation in Hawaii, Oct 2021 – March 2022

Supported by the National Tropical Botanical Garden, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, and the National Science Foundation (DEB 1753659, 1753664, 1750373, 1752785)

The goals of the workshop are to better understand how the latest molecular research, especially in the field of genomics, can benefit the ongoing challenges we face in plant conservation in Hawaiʻi, and to determine when and how to incorporate molecular techniques into species recovery and management. We would like to discuss and identify what particular techniques and methods are most appropriate for a variety of questions and challenges we face regularly as we work to prevent species extinctions. In the end, we hope to develop a decision tree for when and how best to utilize molecular techniques in plant conservation practices in Hawaiʻi, as well as a prioritization scheme that allows us to prioritize resources to fund and carry out the highest priority research.

This workshop is open to all interested in plant conservation in Hawaiʻi, and who would like to hear about the role molecular techniques may play in conservation efforts of rare plants. This workshop series aims to not only strengthen the connection between conservation and research, but provide examples and discuss how to develop research questions and tailor research to directly benefit efforts to prevent plant extinctions

Website continuously updated. Check back for detailed program for topic 1 on this website!

Please complete this form to register for the Hawaiʻi Rare Plant Genetics Workshop.
See further registration details below or in the form.

Workshop Program Oct 2021 – March 2022

This series of workshops will consist of invited talks and discussions with and among participants.

Workshop Kick-off

Oct 25. 8-11am HST. The goal of the day is to provide examples and information on how working together can save plants from extinction as well as background on what molecular tools are and how they have been used to help provide a foundation for how to move forward with discussions on the role molecular techniques may provide in helping conserve the Hawaiian flora.

Topic 1: Identifying taxa: Considerations for molecular techniques in classifying taxa in Hawaiʻi

Oct 26, 9-11am HST. The goal of the day is to meet new people and learn a bit about some of the collaborators who will be participating and answering questions related to the role of molecular work in conservation. 

Nov 1, 9-11am HST. The goal of the day is to hear about how new species and hybrids are discovered and to understand which molecular techniques may be helpful in describing new species or identifying hybrids between two taxa.

Nov 15, 9-11am HST. To hear about how species relationships impact conservation efforts and how molecular techniques may help resolve uncertainty among relationships. 

Dec 6, 9-11am HST. Theme 1 Conclusions: Recommendations for what techniques to use & when for questions related to defining species; discuss best practices for incorporating molecular research into species descriptions.

Topic 2. Managing taxa: Using population genetics to guide ex situ collections and reintroduction design.

Jan 10, 9-11am HST. Applying genetics to plant recovery. The goal of the day is to discuss how we apply population genetics to plant recovery.   

Jan 11, 9-11am HST. Ex situ conservation. The goal of the day is to discuss how we maximize effectiveness of ex situ collections. 

Jan 24, 9-11am HST. Reintroduction Planning Considerations, Part I.

Feb 14, 9-11am HST. Reintroduction Planning Considerations, Part II.

March 7, 8-11am HST. Next steps – review of draft standards: How do we incorporate molecular techniques into species recovery plans and management? Draft decision tree for incorporating molecular techniques into plant conservation in Hawaiʻi & prioritization scheme for what projects are most critical to initiate.

Organizing Committee:

Lauren Weisenberger (USFWS), Matt Keir (State of Hawaiʻi), Stephen Weller and Ann Sakai (U California Irvine), Warren Wagner (NTBG, Smithsonian NMNH), Michael Moore (Oberlin College), Krissa Skogen, Norman Wickett, and Angela McDonnell (Chicago Botanic Garden), Nina Rønsted (NTBG)

Registration is required and is FREE and open to anyone interested!

Please complete this form to register for the Hawaiʻi Rare Plant Genetics Workshop

Please register by Monday, Oct. 18th, 2021.

A Zoom link will be emailed to you in advance of the first session on October 25th.
Otherwise, you can register up to 24 hours in advance of each workshop session.
You only need to complete this form once, regardless of how many sessions you plan to attend.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!

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