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Tuesday, March 10 from 5:30 p.m. at Kauai Community College NTBG and KCC’s collaborative Earth Matters Public lecture series continues on Tuesday, March 10 from 5:30 p.m. at Kauai Community College with a talk by Teya Penniman, coordinator for the American Bird Conservancy’s project on landscape-scale mosquito control. Teya will discuss new efforts to bring Hawaii’s native forest birds back from the brink of extinction using a naturally-occurring bacteria, Wolbachia, as a form of mosquito “birth control.” As mosquitoes expand their elevation range further threatening birds found nowhere else on earth, Teya will explain how this new tool may offer new hope for Hawaii’s irreplaceable forest birds. Earth Matters lectures are held in the KCC Campus Center Cafeteria behind the Performing Arts Center. For questions about access of special accommodations, call (808) 332-7324 Ex. 225 at least 10 days in advance. |