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Conservation Status
IUCN: not evaluated
Family: COSTACEAE Genus: Tapeinochilos Species: ananassae Species Author: (Hassk.) K. Schum. Synonyms: Tapeinochilus pungens Teijsm. & Binnend.
Indonesian Wax Ginger will reach 8 feet (2½ meters) tall with dark green soft leaves arranged spirally around bamboo-like stems. Leaves reach 15 inches (38 cm) in length by about 6 inches (15 cm) wide. It is an attractive plant but needs a lot of room to grow. In containers they need to be repotted often. This species is one of the most marvelous tropical flower. The stately dark red, cone shape bract similar to an upside down pineapple is colossal and enhanced with vivid yellow flowers appearing within the basal bract. Foliage is lush with soft fuzzy leaves spiraling around a bamboo type canes. A distinct plus to any tropical landscape!
The cone-like bracts are very showy and often used in floral arrangements.
Tapeinochilus ananassae or Indonesian Wax Ginger is native from Malaysia to Queensland, Australia.
We currently have 2 herbarium specimens for Tapeinochilos ananassae in our collection. Click on any specimen below to view the herbarium sheet data.