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Conservation Status
IUCN: not evaluated
Family: RUBIACEAE Genus: Kailarsenia Species: lineata Species Author: (Craib) Tirveng.
Rare unique fragrant plant from SE Asia. Discovered by and named after Dr. Kai Larsen. A compact and slow growing shrub with long, pointed, dark green waxy leaves and white fragrant gardenia-like flowers 2-3" wide, with a yellow center. The scent is very sweet and strong. This plant is a rheophyte, which means it needs a flow of fresh water, while growing in a well-drained medium. In nature it grows in cracks of rocks in streams, in areas of deciduous woodland or dry evergreen forest.
We currently have 1 herbarium specimens for Kailarsenia lineata in our collection. Click on any specimen below to view the herbarium sheet data.