Herbarium Sheet Detail
NTBG Plant Name:
Hibiscus waimeae subsp. hannerae
Collector Name:
Seana Walsh
Collection Date:
July 11, 2017
Blanca Begert, Susan Deans, Merlin Edmonds
Island Group:
Hanalei District
Upper Limahuli Preserve. Up small gulch from lower weatherport.
Plant Description:
Tree about 16 feet tall with single main trunk. Herbivory and florivory. Buds, flowers, and immature capsules.
Bud, flower and immature fruit
Mesic to wet forest with predominately native vegetation. NE facing slope.
Associated Species:
W/ Metrosideros polymorpha, Dicranopteris linearis, Freycinetia arborea, Microlepia strigosa, Diplazium sp., Antidesma platyphyllum, Clidemia hirta, Blechnum sp., Elaphoglossum sp., Psychotria mariniana, Deparia petersenii, Lantana camara
Focal taxon of the HSPC. Mapped and flagged and tagged with HIB WAI HAN LIM C 0001 on Antidesma platyphyllum just up slope from tree. 2 voucher specimens, 2 DNA and 5 cuttings collected (NTBG20170374).
Date of Record Creation:
November 6, 2017
Date of Last Update:
January 21, 2025
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