Herbarium Sheet Detail
NTBG Plant Name:
Alyxia stellata
Collector Name:
David H. Lorence
Collection Date:
January 30, 2003
Liloa Dunn, Joh Price
Island Group:
Ridge crest leading to Mt. Temetiu, S. of Teakatau, along ridge heading W. towards Hanamenu; windswept shrubland with Freycinetia, Psychotria, Oparanthus, Vaccinium, Gahnia, Weinmannia, and Dicranopteris.
Plant Description:
Vine to 1 m tall, sparsely branched, latex white. Corolla lobes creamy white, tube yellow. Fruit subglobose, shiny black. Occasional.
Date of Last Update:
August 6, 2023
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