Herbarium Sheet Detail
NTBG Plant Name:
Microsorum scolopendria
Collection Date:
August 27, 2004
A. Smith (UC) 2007
Ioana Ladore's land, Ikipwal, Awak, U
Island Group:
Plant Category:
Plant Description:
Collected in lowland, but growns in upland as well. Vine grows up tree, no smell. Seeds are visible in the green leaf that appears both opposite and alternate. N.V. kideu [Pohnpei].
Ethnobotanical Notes:
Charm. Mar mar for when a new child is first brought out to the ocean for protection against ghosts. Cut from the tree, it is wrapped around just long enough for the baby's head.
Informant: Ioana Ladore: Pohnpei. Female.
Charm. Mwaramwur for parties. Vine is taken off the tree just long enough to make a mwaramwur with. These are used only sometimes at parties when a person is protecting themselves from a spell someone may have put on them.
Informant: Ioana Ladore: Pohnpei. Female.
Charm. To keep ghosts away if you feel afraid or if you have a sickness that you think a ghost may have given you. Tke 2 leaves with same amount of "hands" and press together front to front. Tear off all hands and rip apart into little pieces, tiny pieces, tear till you can't tear anymore. Then mix together with coconut oil. Rub on your skin.
Date of Last Update:
August 6, 2023
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