Herbarium Sheet Detail
NTBG Plant Name:
Scaevola coriacea
Collector Name:
K. R. Wood
Collection Date:
June 7, 2002
Island Group:
Okala, off-shore islet near Kalaupapa.
Plant Description:
shrubs, 25-35 cm tall, 1-2 m spreading, scandent in shrubland, corolla yellow internally and externally with purple margin on lobes, 5-7 plants clustered around summit, cuttings from 5 plants
Associated Species:
Osteomeles anthyllidifolia, Wikestroemia uva-ursi, Chamaesyce celastroides var. amplectens, and Senna gaudichaudii shrubland associated with Artemisia australis, Melanthera integrifolia, Bidens molokaiensis, Schiedea globosa, Chenopodium oahuense, Diospyros sandwicensis, Scaevola coriacea, Scaevola taccada.
***CUTTINGS TAKEN FROM 5 PLANTS Project: NAT HAW [endangered]
Date: 7 Jun 2002
Island: Molokai
Origin: Okala, off-shore islet near Kalaupapa
Elevation: 100-120 ft
GPS [UTM]: 714757-2343074
Species Name: Scaevola coriacea
Collector #: K. R. Wood 9834; 9841; 9842; 9843; 9844
Co-Collector: M. LeGrande
Individual Tag: no
Photo: yes
Seed/Cuttings/Other: 5 separate cuttings from 5 separate plants
Recommendation: Propagate: all Store: none Distribute: upon request
Description of Plant: shrubs, 25-35 cm tall, 1-2 m spreading, scandent in shrubland, corolla yellow internally and externally with purple margin on lobes
Flowers: hermaphroditic
Plant/Animal Interaction: none observed
Substrate: course granular brown soil with basalt talus
Aspect: on eastern summit of islet
Slope: 0 – 10 ?
Closure: open to light ca. 70 % of the day
Moisture: mesic
Topography: summit region
Phenology: in flower and early fruit
Vigor: normal
Frequency: five
Population Structure: Mature: 5 Immature: 0 Seedling: 0
Population Area: 20,000 sq meters
Natural Community: Osteomeles anthyllidifolia, Wikestroemia uva-ursi, Chamaesyce celastroides var. amplectens, and Senna gaudichaudii shrubland
Associates: Artemisia australis, Melanthera integrifolia, Bidens molokaiensis, Schiedea globosa, Chenopodium oahuense, Diospyros sandwicensis, Scaevola coriacea, Scaevola taccada, Plectranthus parviflorus, Cassytha filiformis, Lythrum maritimum, Sida fallax, Cocculus orbiculatus, Peperomia tetraphylla, Pittosporum halophilum, Portulaca lutea, Waltheria indica, Nesoluma polynesicum, Carex meyenii, Cyperus phleoides var. phleoides, Dianella sandwicensis, Eragrostis variabilis, Doryopteris decipiens
Major Threats: The main threats to this ecosystem include competition with non-native plant taxa primarily Schinus terebinthifolius, Bidens pilosa, Conyza bonariensis, Emilia fosbergii, Pluchea carolinensis, Tridax procumbens, Kalanchoë pinnata, Abutilon grandifolium, Psidium guajava, Syzygium cumini, Oxalis corniculata, Portulaca oleracea, Morinda citrifolia, Lantana camara, Stachytarpheta australis, Cynodon dactylon, Digitaria insularis, Turnera ulmifolia Digitaria setigera, Melinis minutiflora, Melinis repens, and Phymatosorus grossus, possible land slides, possible rat presence, and the loss of reproductive vigor as the result of limited numbers of existing individuals.
Comment: It is possible that there are as many as seven individuals; several plants were intertwined.
Date of Record Creation:
July 8, 2011
Date of Last Update:
January 21, 2025
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