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Herbarium Sheet Detail

NTBG Plant Name:
Pritchardia napaliensis
Specimen ID:
Collector ID:
Collector Name:
K. R. Wood
Collection Date:
January 24, 2002
Herbarium Name:
Mark Query
Island Group:
Kauai County
Hanalei District
Pohakuao, upper isolated hanging valley northeast of Kalalau and southwest of Hanakoa, in gulch of north falls.
Plant Category:
Plant Description:
trees with 2-7 m long caudex, grey-brown with longitudinal fissures and horizontal leaf scars, mottled with white lichen, caudex 5—6 cm diameter up to 12 cm diameter,on steep slopes, 10-20 fronds, indumentum gray-golden extending up petiole ca. 50 cm, pinnae stiff or slightly pendant, deeply divided segments, 2-3 panicles, in flower and fruit
Ancillary: Seed:
Relictual Kaua`i diverse mesic forest.
Associated Species:
W/ Metrosideros polymorpha var. glaberrima, Pleomele sandwicensis, Diospyros sandwicensis, Diospyros hillebrandii, Pouteria sandwicensis, Rauvolfia sandwicensis, Santalum freycinetianum var. pyrularium.
Based on field book, collection date changed from 1/25/2002 to 1/24/2002 - 23 November Tim Flynn K. R. Wood Accession Data NTBG Project: NAT HAW/Pritchardia Date: 24 Jan 2002 Island: Kaua`i Origin: Pohakuao, upper isolated hanging valley northeast of Kalalau and southwest of Hanakoa, in gulch of north falls and adjacent gulches to the north, [new site to north of previous research] Elevation: 1400—2400 ft GPS [UTM]: 434960/2453376 Species Name: Pritchardia napaliensis Collector # Voucher Amount of seed K. R. Wood 9260 Full voucher 37 K. R. Wood 9265 Inflorescence voucher 111 K. R. Wood 9267 no 10 Co-Collector: M. Query Individual Tag: no Photo: no Seed/Cuttings/Other: seed/voucher Recommendation: Propagate: all Store: remainder Distribute: upon request Description of Plant: trees with 2—7 m long caudex, grey-brown with longitudinal fissures and horizontal leaf scars, mottled with white lichen, observed many caudex with 5—6 cm diameter @ 100 cm above ground, caudex can be as large as 12 cm diameter, trees grow well on steep slopes, 10—20 fronds per crown, indumentum gray-golden extending up petiole ca. 50 cm, pinnae stiff or slightly pendant, deeply divided segments, 2—3 panicles per inflorescence, in flower and fruit, Flowers: hermaphroditic Plant/Animal Interaction: Apis [honey bee] working flowers, orange mites observed on leaves, diptera observed in flowers Substrate: talus slopes with brown granular soil Aspect: north Slope: gentle to steep[ca 20?--50?] Closure: open to light ca. 70 % of the day Moisture: mesic Topography: main gulch above north falls, adjacent slopes of region have a series of very steep ridges with shallow gulches in-between Phenology: mostly with immature fruit Vigor: normal Frequency: ca 50 trees in valley, Population Structure: Mature: 50 Immature: 0 Seedling: 0 Population Area: 1 sq kilometer Natural Community: relictual Kaua`i diverse mesic forest with secondary succession of invasive weeds, drainages dominated by Aleurites moluccana, Associates: Metsideros polymorpha var. glaberrima, Pleomele sandwicensis, Diiospyros hillebrandii, Diospyros sandwicensis, Antidesma platyphylla, Pouteria sandwicensis, Rauvolfia sandwicensis, Santalum freycinetianum var. pyrularium, Psychotria mariniana, Chamaesyce celastroides var. hanapepensis, Wilkesia gymnoxiphium, Pritchardia napaliensis, Bidens sandvicensis subsp. sandvicensis, Lipochaeta connata var. acris, Nesoluma polynesicum, Pteralyxia kauaiensis, Psydrax odoratum, Boehmeria grandis, Musa x paradisiaca, and Zanthoxylum dipetalum. Major Threats: habitat degradation by goats, competition with non-native plant taxa such as Lantana camara, Erigeron karvinskianus, Rubus rosifolius, Kalanchoe pinnata, Psidium guajava, and Andropogon glomeratus, and the loss of reproductive vigor as the result of limited numbers of existing individuals.
Date of Record Creation:
August 31, 2011
Date of Last Update:
March 23, 2023

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