Movie Night in McBryde Garden is an outdoor movie series and community event in Po`ipū. Don’t miss these popular blockbusters, family-friendly activities and Kauai’s favorite food trucks in the garden and under the stars!
*Showing at the South Shore Visitors Center, no shuttles into the garden.
Movie Night in McBryde Garden is a ticketed event. Buy a season pass or single tickets online in advance! Prices will increase at the door.
Free parking will be available at the NTBG South Shore Visitor Center located at 4425 Lawai Road in Po`ipu. Attendees will be shuttled into the garden from the Visitors Center for the movie*. First shuttles will depart from the South Shore Visitors Center at 5:00 p.m., last shuttle before the movie begins departs at 7:00 p.m. Before the movie begins, enjoy kid-friendly activities with Kaua`i Community College COGS and Kaua`i Educational Association for Science and Astronomy.
Attendees are encouraged to bring low beach chairs or blankets for seating. Food will be available for purchase from Kauai’s favorite food trucks. This is a family-friendly event, no alcohol please. Small, soft-sided coolers permitted.
Koloa , HI