April 27 Talk Story with Mike DeMotta

Efforts to restore native plants and seabirds on Lehua Island

Talk Story with Mike DeMotta on April 27 at Keoki’s Paradise in Poipu.

April 27 talk story

Join our Curator of Living Collections on April 27 as he talks story about the cultural and botanical history of Lehua Island and the restoration efforts to bring back native plants and seabirds that have been occurring since 2009. Seating begins at 11 a.m.

Reservation Required. Call Keoki’s Paradise in Poipu at 808-742-7534 to save your spot.

The event will run from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. with the formal presentation beginning at 11:30 a.m.

Lehua Island

Lehua Island is a stunning island, rising more than 700 feet out of the sea. It has fascinating geology;
vertical cliffs, an arch in the making, and tidal pools and shelves.

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