Herbarium Sheet Detail
NTBG Plant Name:
Arachnothryx leucophylla
Collector Name:
A. C. Sanders
Collection Date:
March 18, 1991
D. Charlton, B. L. Phillips, B. M. Rothschild
Municipio de Comala
Rancho El Jabali, 20 km (airline) NNW of Colima in the SW foothills of the Volcan de Colima; Colima/Jalisco line passes thru ranch. At the ranch headquarters.
Plant Description:
A solitry shrub 2-3 m high growing in partial sun on a steep wooded slope.
Natural vegetation Humid montane forest. Clay soils on steep volcanic slopes & flats.
Date of Record Creation:
May 22, 2019
Date of Last Update:
March 23, 2023
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