Herbarium Sheet Detail
NTBG Plant Name:
Hippobroma longiflora
Collector Name:
Tim Flynn
Collection Date:
March 16, 2002
Other Herbarium:
Island Group:
One roa, S of Kaumata on coastal road. Across the road from Babe's Place.
Plant Description:
Herb to 18 inches; stem whitish w/ pale green "wings" running down from petiole; lvs glossy med green above w/ pale green midvein, below glossy pale green; hypanthium pale green; calyx lobes pale green w/ cream teeth; corolla tube very pale greenish-white, lobes white; fragrant (8.30am).; sap milky.
Specimen Treatment:
Stored either in Isopropyl Alcohol or Stolichnaya Vodka
Ruderal vegetation along roadside.
Associated Species:
w/ Bidens, Spermacoce, Plantago and various grasses bordering coastal forest of Barringtonia, Schleinitzia, Hibiscus, Hernandia, Cocos, Guerttarda and Colubrina.
Date of Record Creation:
January 20, 2014
Date of Last Update:
August 6, 2023
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