Herbarium Sheet Detail
NTBG Plant Name:
Kleinhovia hospita
Collection Date:
October 1, 2002
Tim Flynn 2004
Island Group:
Plant Description:
Tree, stem 40 cm in diameter, 20 m tall, flowers pink.
Ethnobotanical Notes:
Branches Canoes. Canoe. Cut the trunk in any length and width as needed and carve. Informant: Alfred Dores, Pohnpei.
Branches Fire starter. Use as a match. Cut a branch 3 ft. long, carve one side flat, and carve another one 3 cm in diamter and 20 cm long. Hold the small one in both hands and push against the big one on the flat side until you see smoke come from it and make a fire. Informant: Alfred Dores, Pohnpei.
Date of Record Creation:
September 14, 2011
Date of Last Update:
August 6, 2023
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