Herbarium Sheet Detail
NTBG Plant Name:
Heritiera littoralis
Collector Name:
E. Albert
Collection Date:
October 29, 2001
M. Choi, 2002
Island Group:
Madolenihmw Municipality
Lewhdau, Sapwalap.
Plant Description:
Tree 20 m tall, stem 60 cm in diameter, flowers white and fruits greenish. N. V. mworopwensed [Pohnpeian].
Ethnobotanical Notes:
Bark: Medicine for sickness of "war mwoui"-which is bleeding problem, from the woman's uterus. This is unlike menstruation, which can be monthly. The bleeding can go on for years and years without stopping. Scrape off some of its bark, pound and wrap in a piece of cloth and squeeze in 1/2 gallon of water then drink everyday for 4-8 days. Informant: Elpihter Albert, Dipwinmen clan, Pohnpei, housewife, female, 34 years old.
Date of Last Update:
August 6, 2023
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