Creating opportunity out of crisis NTBG team inventory lower Limahuli Preserve

For decades NTBG has worked to restore 1000 acres of native plant habitat in the Upper and Lower Limahuli Preserves. Controlling invasive species such as pigs, rats and weeds, has allowed many rare and endangered endemic Hawaiian plants to thrive.

Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, 2020 has given NTBG the opportunity to make a detailed inventory of the 600 acre Lower Limahuli Preserve. A team of 15 staff from Limahuli Garden & Preserve, Living Collections, and Science and Conservation, led the first day of the inventory campaign on September 22, 2020. It was incredible and rewarding to see hundreds of outplanted rare plants like a 2-year old Pittosporum napaliense thriving in its new home.

As a bonus, the team was able to bring back a good collection of Peperomia sandwicensis for propagation in the nursery. The next planned inventory day will be in October. 

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